About CSIR

National Eligibility Test (NET) for Junior Research Fellowship and Lecturer-ship

Comprises SINGLE PAPER with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Divided into three parts:

Duration : 3 hours
Maximum marks : 200

All questions carry negative marking for wrong answers @ 25%.

So you retain three out of four when a question goes wrong!

Part ‘A’

Total marks Allocated : 30 out of 200

Any 15 questions of 2 marks each

20 questions of General Science and Research Aptitude Test
Physical Science,
Chemical Science,
Mathematical Science,
Life Science and
Computer science.

Part ‘B’
Total marks Allocated : 70 out of 200

The maximum number of questions to be attempted shall be in the range of 25-35.

35 questions of Topics given in the syllabus

Each question shall be of two marks.
Part ‘C’

Total marks Allocated : 100 out of 200

The maximum number of questions to be attempted 25

Consists of about 75 questions

Each question shall be of four marks.

Designed to test knowledge and application of scientific concepts.

The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive to the solution.



1.1 The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) provides financial assistance to promote research work in the fields of Science & Technology, including Agriculture, Engineering and Medicine. The assistance is provided by way of grants to Professors/Experts in regular employment, in the universities, IITs, post-graduate institutions, recognised R&D laboratories both in public and private sectors. Research proposals of applied nature as well as those falling under basic sciences which attempt to solve specific problems being pursued by CSIR laboratories, or in newer and complementary fields, are considered for CSIR support. Priority is given to multi-disciplinary projects which involve inter-organisational co-operation (including that of CSIR laboratories). However, preference is given to schemes which have relevance to research programmes of CSIR laboratories (Annexure-IV).

1.2 Investigators working in Government Research Laboratories/ Establishments are generally not eligible for the grant.

1.3 A time bound research proposal clear and specific in the objective(s) making use of or proposing a new idea and realistic and reasonable in the means needed to execute it has a good chance of receiving CSIR support. The CSIR provides essential financial inputs for viable research schemes so as to obtain definite advancements in specific fields and areas.

1.4 Research grants of CSIR are intended mainly to supplement the research facilities available with the sponsoring institutions. Funds provided are for one or more Junior Research Fellows (JRF), Senior Research Fellows (SRF) and Research Associates (RA), contingencies and equipment. Usually the amounts sanctioned for equipment are small. No graded posts are sanctioned nor are funds provided for other kinds of expenditure.

EMR schemes are not intended to support establishment (de novo) of specialized facilities, centres or divisions. These schemes are intended to supplement on-going R&D efforts in institutions/laboratories/departments, etc. where basic infrastructure exists.

1.5 Depending on the magnitude and nature of research involved a research scheme may have more than one investigator and, in such a case, the first investigator shall be known as "Principal Investigator" (PI). In the event of a collaborative project involving two or more institutions, the consent of each such institution must be furnished with the proposal. Collaborative projects involving CSIR laboratories are encouraged.

1.6 The PIs may submit their proposals directly to the Head, Human Resource Development Group (HRDG) of CSIR.

1.7 CSIR has discipline-wise research committees to consider the research proposals falling in their respective fields and make recommendations to the Governing Body of CSIR for financial assistance. The research committees usually meet twice a year and recommend grants for viable research schemes received for financial assistance and review the progress of ongoing schemes for their continuation.

1.8 The Directors of CSIR laboratories may invite applications for research grants in specific areas of interest to their respective laboratories. They will forward these to the CSIR HRD Group.

1.9 Schemes in which collaboration has been indicated between industries and CSIR laboratories or between universities and CSIR laboratories or among industries, universities and CSIR laboratories, will receive support on priority basis on the approval of DGSIR.

1.10 Sanctioned schemes are monitored and renewed each year by research committees based on the progress reports to be submitted by the investigators. These should be received by CSIR by Ist October every year. The PI may also be required to present the progress of research work before the Research Committee for midterm correction and appraisal. PI is expected to suitably acknowledge the support received from CSIR in each of the publications arising from the work done under the scheme. Schemes are liable to be terminated if the progress is not considered satisfactory by the concerned committee. On completion of the scheme, the PI is required to submit a Final Technical Report (FTR) in the prescribed proforma (Form-F).



2.1 Applications for research grants can be submitted at any time during the year. The research proposal should be submitted in the prescribed proformae (Form-C & Form-C1). The application should be forwarded, through the Head of the concerned institution duly certified that (i) the core facilities are available and will be provided to the investigator(s) to work on the proposed scheme, and (ii) the department/institute will discharge all its obligations, particularly in respect of management of the grants given.

2.2 The research proposals on receipt in CSIR are sent to referees (from a panel drawn by Human Resource Development Group HRDG, CSIR and CSIR laboratories in which work related/analogous to the proposal is in progress, for their evaluation. These are then considered by the concerned area research committees (as explained in 1.7 and 1.9).



3.1 Documents to be sent to CSIR: CSIR funds are placed at the disposal and control of the sponsoring institution which is entrusted with the accountability of grant. The quantum of financial assistance to each sanctioned scheme is mentioned in the original award letter and renewal sanction. Grants are released in one or two installments for each fiscal year. The grant for the first year is released by CSIR along with the sanction letter. It is stipulated that the scheme shall start from the commencement date mentioned in the letter or within 3 months from the date of issue of the letter. The contingent and staff grants are on pro-rata basis and will be admissible from the date of start of the scheme (3.2). The excess/unutilised amounts of grants will be adjusted in the subsequent year's claim bill. The contingent and staff grants are not carried forward to the next financial year. Following documents need to be provided to CSIR immediately after the receipt of sanction letter: (i) a certificate by the PI countersigned by the Head of the department/institution that no other aid-giving agency is funding the work proposed to be done under the scheme sanctioned by CSIR, and (ii) an agreement in the prescribed Form-A on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs 10/- (each page duly signed by PI) and (iii) date of commencement.

3.2 Date of start: A scheme is considered to have commenced as soon as some expenditure has been incurred out of the grant/date of joining of fellow.

3.3 Purchase of equipment: For the release of equipment grant the proforma invoice of the supplier, with whom the order has been placed is to be furnished by PI along with the claim bill to CSIR through the Registrar/Principal/Director of the Institute upon completion of purchase formalities, in any case within 3 months from the date of receipt of the equipment grant.

3.4 Tenure: The tenure of a scheme is 3 years or less as asked for by the investigator. Extension beyond 3 years may be considered in a few deserving cases depending on the progress and need of the project; extension is granted rarely. The period of extension will be limited to a maximum of two years. The PI may make a request for extension in time, preferably in his renewal application for third year, giving detailed justification and period for which extension is required. A detailed report of scientific achievements under the scheme since its inception must invariably be sent alongwith the request for extension. The PI should also state clearly that a second extension is not contemplated at all.

3.5 Appointment of JRF/SRF/RA : The approved research schemes of CSIR have provision for manpower to assist the investigator(s) in the research programmes. The positions provided are JRF, SRF and/or RA. The qualifications and age requirements for JRF/SRF/RA appointments are given in paras 3.9 and 3.10, respectively.

3.5.1 JRFs: Competitive written test is conducted jointly by CSIR and UGC at national level (National Eligibility Test, NET), to qualify young men and women for appointment as JRFs. Available NET qualified candidates under i) JRF and ii) Lecturership (NET) categories can be appointed directly in the schemes of CSIR. Persons who have qualified in the GATE test can also be selected for appointment as JRFs. They should be interviewed to determine their suitability. Non-NET or non-GATE qualified candidates can not be appointed as JRFs.

3.5.2 SRFs

(i) CSIR directly selects a certain number of persons for SRFs on the basis of academic record, published work and interview by discipline-wise high-level expert committees. Persons among these awardees, who are otherwise eligible, can be appointed as SRFs in CSIR schemes.

(ii) The NET/GATE qualified candidates having a minimum of 2 years of research experience after MSc or equivalent degree can be selected and appointed on the basis of their possessing two years training in methods of research and aptitude for research. The details of the selected candidates accompanied by NET/GATE qualification certificates and recommendations of the interview boards constituted for the purpose of recruiting SRF(s) must be sent to CSIR. The appointments will be then formally approved by CSIR. National advertisement may not be necessary here.

(iii) SRFs can also be selected by national advertisement or through wide circulation of the advertisement material from among the non-NET/GATE qualified MSc /equivalent degree candidates possessing two years training in methods of research and aptitude for research assessed from published project work or candidates possessing ME/MBBS or equivalent qualifications. The eligible candidates will be interviewed by a Board consisting of the PI, Head of the Department and an external member from outside the university/institution who is an expert in the relevant field and is not below the rank of Professor/Associate Professor. Where PI is the Head of the Department, the Dean of the university/institution may be associated with the Board. The recommendations of the Board on each applicant, alongwith all the candidates' applications are to be sent to CSIR for the approval and formalization of selection.

3.5.3 RAs

(i) Persons among those directly selected by CSIR for award of RA-ship can be appointed as RAs in schemes.

(ii) The procedure given in 3.5.2 can be used for appointing RAs. However, CSIR is to be informed about the outcome of selection, so that the same can be formalized.

3.6 When SRF/RA is selected by modes 3.5.2 and 3.5.3, the biodata of the candidates should be obtained in form-G.

3.7 PI may appoint JRF/SRF/RA in place of sanctioned position under intimation to CSIR indicating reasons thereof.

3.8 The tenure of the fellow(s)/associate(s) appointed in a scheme, excepting that of JRF-NET (CSIR), is co-terminus with the scheme. In other words, the tenure of the Fellow/Associate shall cease from the date the scheme terminates, irrespective of the period of fellowship/associateship held by him/her in that scheme. The total tenure of a fellow as JRF+SRF can be 5 years only. The normal tenure of RA will be 3 years. However, when an RA is appointed before completion of a total tenure of 3 years, he/she may be allowed to continue till the tenure of the scheme. However specific approval of CSIR(HRDG) may be obtained in such cases.

3.9 The educational qualifications prescribed for the award of research fellowship/associateship are as under:-


The minimum qualifications are: MSc/BE/BTech or equivalent degree, with 55% marks and passing of NET/GATE test. The selection for award of JRF is made on the basis of a competitive written test organised jointly by CSIR and UGC at National Level consisting of two papers. One of them is a compulsory paper of general nature for testing mental ability and broad awareness of scientific knowledge at an elementary level. The other one is an optional paper to be selected from amongst 1) Chemical Sciences, 2) Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, 3) Life Sciences, 4) Mathematical Sciences and 5) Physical Sciences. One of these will be objective type and the other will require short descriptive answers to questions.

Applications for JRF-ship are invited twice a year on all India basis in the prescribed application form printed alongwith the advertisement in the Employment News by a specified date. The completed application form may be submitted to the Controller of Examinations, Examination Unit, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi-110012.

The result of candidates who qualify in the test is put on the website of HRD Group and they are also informed individually after the result is finalised.


The minimum qualifications (Under Research Scheme only) are:

(i) MSc,BE, BTech, BVSc, BPharm, or equivalent degree, and at least two years of post-MSc, BE, BTech, BVSc, BPharm, research experience, as evidenced from published papers in standard refereed journals; (ii) ME,MTech or equivalent degree in Engineering/Technology; (iii) MBBS or BDS, with 1 year internship/MVSc/ MPharm or equivalent.


The minimum qualifications are : Doctorate (PhD/MD/MS/MDS) or equivalent degree OR having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc/MPharm/ME/MTech.


Those who have submitted PhD thesis can also be selected for RAship provisionally for one year only pending award of PhD degree, through interview mode as at 3.5.2 (iii). They have to get regularized as RA after award of PhD degrees but within one year.

3.10 The upper age limit for JRF, SRF, SRF(extended) and RA shall be 28, 32, 33 and 35 years respectively as on the day on which the application is made. A small relaxation in age limit may be considered, in the case of applicants who are suitably qualified and experienced, on the recommendations of the selection committee. The upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to scheduled castes/tribes/OBC, women and physically handicapped candidates.

3.11 Stipend: The stipend payable to JRF, SRF & RA working in the research schemes is as


Position 1st & 2nd year 3rd & subsequent year

(1) JRF Rs.8000/- Rs.9000/-

JRF (Engineering) Rs.8000/- Rs.9500/-

(2) SRF in

(a) Scientific disciplines Rs.9000/- Rs.9000/-

other than Medical &


b) Medical & Rs.9500/- Rs.10,000/-

Engineering fields

(3) SRF(EXTENDED): On Submission of PhD thesis Rs 10,000/- pm (for one year only):

(4) RA :The consolidated emoluments will be under the following 3 slabs depending on qualification and experience:

(a) Rs.11,000/-; (b) Rs.11,500/-; (c) Rs.12,000/-

3.12.1 Assessment for continuance: Progress of JRF and SRF working in a research scheme will be assessed at the end of two years by a Committee consisting of the PI, the Head of the Department (where the PI himself happens to be the Head of Department, the second member of the Committee will be the Dean or Professor/Associate Professor/Reader of the Department) and an external member from outside the university/institution who is an expert in the relevant field and is not below the rank of Professor/Associate Professor. The stipend of JRF will be increased from Rs 8000/- pm to Rs 9000/-pm and of SRF (Medical and Engineering disciplines) from Rs 9500/- pm to Rs 10000/- pm, for the remaining tenure of the scheme, provided the research progress has been found satisfactory by the Committee. On upgradation, the designation of JRF will be changed to SRF.

3.12.2 House rent allowance (HRA) and Medical allowance (MA): In addition to stipend, the fellow/associate will be entitled to: (i) HRA, as per rules of the Host Institution, provided he/she has not been given hostel accommodation (stipend paid/payable will be treated as pay for the purpose of HRA), (ii) MA, as admissible as per the rules of the Host Institution to its employees (this will be limited to the fellow only and not for family members/dependents).

3.13 Leave : A Fellow/Associate may avail of 45 days leave with stipend for each completed year of his tenure or on pro-rata basis for any fraction of a year. The leave due can be carried over to the next year. However, not more than 90 days leave can be accumulated at any time during the tenure of fellowship/associateship and not more than 30 days can be availed of at the end, i.e. prior to the completion of the tenure.

3.14 The PI may grant leave to a Fellow/Associate with the concurrence of the Head of the Department/Institution, if the leave with stipend is due, as mentioned in the para 3.13. If leave with stipend is not due, such cases will be decided by CSIR only, and the Fellow/Associate should not be allowed to proceed on leave without prior approval of the Council.

3.15 For women Fellows/Associates, full stipend plus usual HRA per month may be paid during the period of absence upto 135 days on grounds of maternity. Leave may be sanctioned by the PI under intimation to CSIR. The Fellowship/ Associateship amount for such leave period will be payable after the Fellow/Associate resumes duty and submits a medical certificate in support of actual confinement.

3.16 The following are the general rules governing the fellowship/associateship :

(i) Only Indian citizens are eligible for research fellowship/associateship.

(ii) The award of fellowship/associateship does not imply any assurance or guarantee for subsequent employment by CSIR or at the Institution where he/she is working.

(iii) If a Fellow/Associate is reported to have been lacking in his or her research assignment, the fellowship/associateship is liable to be terminated by CSIR.



4.1 The amount of contingent grant in schemes may vary depending upon the subject and the problem of research. The contingent grant may be utilised for special consumables or other materials essentially required for research, tours undertaken as an essential part of research work, purchase of books etc. not available in the Institution, and also for hiring part time technical assistance.

4.2 Equipment grant is provided for purchase or fabrication of a particular equipment essential for the project but is not available in the concerned Department/Institution. Heavy budget for equipment is normally not encouraged by CSIR. Equipment procured through CSIR grant should bear a label "CSIR Funded".

4.3 The guidelines for the utilization of contingency grant are given in Annexure-I. The accounts are to be maintained in a prescribed manner as indicated in Annexure-III.



5.1 Research committees of CSIR will monitor the progress of schemes to ensure that the funds are effectively utilised for maximum results. For this purpose investigators of research schemes are required to submit to CSIR every year comprehensive reports indicating the progress as on 31st of August. While the initial report of the first year's progress of work is expected to be brief, subsequent reports should be sufficiently detailed so as to enable the research committee to review the progress of work vis-a-vis the progress of work stipulated for the period. The progress report alongwith "Renewal Application" in the prescribed proformae (Form-E) and list of equipment purchased from CSIR grant, if any, as indicated in clause 8.0(viii) should be sent in time so as to reach CSIR on or before 1st of October each year. The schemes are renewed on a year-to-year basis till the completion of their tenure, subject to the recommendation of the concerned research committee to that effect, based on the evaluation of the progress report.

5.2 The scheme will not be renewed for the next financial year unless the progress report/renewal application is received in CSIR by 1st October for consideration by the committee; delay may lead to termination of the scheme.

5.3 Progress in a Scheme is also monitored through presentation in Project Monitoring Session(s) arranged by CSIR. Participation of PI/Co-PI in Session as and when organised is mandatory for the continuance of Scheme. The contingency grant should be utilized to meet the expenditure on TA/DA incurred for participation in the Session.



6.1 The PI is required to submit FTR for the entire duration, in the prescribed proforma (Form-F) within three months from the date of termination of the scheme. The report must be detailed and should include information about (a) the original objective(s) of the scheme, (b) how far these objective(s) have been achieved, and (c) how the results have benefited the country's technological development or enriched the existing knowledge on the subject. The actual research achievements made under the scheme may be summarised in about 200 words and mentioned in the FTR to facilitate publication of the same by CSIR. Failure to submit the FTR on termination of the scheme will disqualify the investigator from seeking further assistance from CSIR . Copies of manuscripts, preprints and reprints of papers arising from the work completed under the scheme should be attached to the FTR.

6.2 Further information, such as acceptance of paper(s) for publication, award of PhD degree(s) to research fellow(s) working under the scheme, etc. not available at the time of submission of FTR should be sent to CSIR later, as soon as it becomes available.

6.3 FTR should not be sketchy. It should be according to instructions given in 6.1. A serious view will be taken for non-receipt or delayed receipt of FTR. The names of defaulting PIs will be circulated to all the fund giving agencies and this may lead to the concerned investigators not getting any new scheme in future.



7.1 Investigators are encouraged to seek legal/patent protection to the results of research. CSIR will render advice on the patentability or otherwise of research results. If the results of research are to be legally protected, the results should not be published without action first being taken to secure legal protection for the said results. Reference must be made to CSIR in such an eventuality. The cost of filing patent/IPR etc. shall be borne by CSIR.

7.2 Investigators are encouraged to publish the results of research. While doing so acknowledgement to the effect that financial assistance was received from CSIR should be made in the research paper(s) published. CSIR should be acknowledged in similar type of other published work/press reports.

7.3 While PI is recognized as inventor, the title to the patent, or other legal protection accorded to the results of research, shall vest in CSIR. University/institute/R&D unit and CSIR should have a fifty-fifty share of patent/IPR utilization.



CSIR sends the first instalment of the grant along with the sanction letter. The investigator while claiming second/subsequent instalment of grant should certify that the expenditure claimed under different heads has actually been incurred and utilised properly during the period for which the payment was claimed and further that the grant has been exclusively utilised for the purpose for which it was sanctioned. This utilization certificate should be submitted by the investigator to the Executive Authority of the University/Institution who maintains the Accounts of CSIR Grants in the following manner:

(i) The statement of accounts and utilization certificate should be certified by the Accounts Officer and countersigned by the Finance Officer, Registrar / Administrator of the University / Institute and submitted to CSIR as indicated in Annexure II.

(ii) An audited statement of accounts and utilisation certificate duly certified by the statutory audit authority of the Institution should also be sent on completion of the research scheme.

(iii) Any unspent balance from earlier payment lying with the Institution at any time due to termination/resignation of the Fellow, etc. should be adjusted before claiming the subsequent grants or else refunded to CSIR immediately by means of demand draft in favour of The Deputy Secretary, Extramural Research, CSIR Complex, CSIR, New Delhi.

(iv) University/Institution receiving grants from CSIR will have to maintain separate accounts for each research scheme on ledger type system (Annexure-III).

(v) All equipment, books, etc. purchased out of the grant will have to be entered into the Stock Register maintained by the University/Institution and also in a separate Register maintained by the Investigator and certified by the Head of the Department.

(vi) The University/Institution will be responsible for the safe custody of the equipment purchased out of the grant.

(vii) Items of equipment should be purchased on competitive tender basis.

(viii) A list of equipment purchased may be appended with the renewal application. The name, description of the equipment, cost in rupees, date of purchase, and the name of the supplier, may be given in the list. The main purpose/function of the equipment may also be mentioned against each item. Equipment should be purchased within 3 months from the date of receipt of the first sanction letter. Otherwise the equipment grant shall stand withdrawn.

(ix) The Stock Register should be checked by the Auditor of the Host Institution.

(x) After the termination of a scheme, the Institution may retain the equipment, costing upto Rs 3 lakhs purchased for the purpose of the scheme. A label with the legend "CSIR FUNDED" shall be stuck prominently on the equipment. As regards any single equipment costing more than Rs 3 lakh, CSIR reserves the right for its disposal after the conclusion of the scheme. In case the Institution is interested in retaining the equipment, DG, CSIR may be approached for approval for retention of the equipment. However, all other equipment, books, etc. purchased out of the grant would normally become the property of the University/Institution on the condition that the Investigator/Fellows/Associates shall enjoy free and unfettered use of these until the completion of the scheme.



9.1 5% of the yearly budget of the Research Scheme to be paid at the end of the financial year.

9.2 The payment of the above overhead charges will be subject to the receipt of accounts/expenditure statement from the University Authorities/Accounts Officer & timely submission of the following statement/document to CSIR.

(i) Consolidated utilization certificate in respect of the financial year in question.

(ii) Abstract of receipts and payments account relating to CSIR grants for the year, alongwith the statement of accounts of fellowships and schemes separately. Audited statement by statutory auditors or Government auditors, as the case may be, can be sent later on.

(iii) Statement of Accounts of CSIR grants headwise & yearwise as indicated in Annexure-II. Audited statement by statutory auditors or government auditors may be sent later on.

(iv) Abstract of claim for overhead expenses.

9.3 The overhead expenditure should be claimed separately from HRDG at the end of the financial year, calculated on the basis of actual expenditure for that year.

9.4 The timely completion of administrative and financial tasks described in 9.2 is essential for continuance of grants to the beneficiary organisations. CSIR may withhold release of grants to the University /Institution which has not completed the stipulated tasks and furnished the required statements/documents for 2 years.



The following are the obligations of the PI of a research scheme:

(i) The sanctioned research scheme must commence within 3 months from the date of receipt of the sanction letter, unless otherwise authorised by CSIR, failing which the scheme will be treated as withdrawn.

(ii) Submission of renewal application/progress report (in Forms-E) to CSIR by 1st of October each year, indicating the progress of research work upto 31st of August.

(iii) It is mandatory for the PI/Co-PI to come to the Project Monitoring Session, when invited to present work done on the scheme, and not send his research scholar.

(iv) Acknowledgement of the support given by CSIR in all the publications arising from the work done under the scheme. CSIR should be acknowledged in similar type of other published work/press reports etc.

(v) Submission of the final technical report (in Form-F) within 3 months of completion of the scheme, describing original objective(s), how far these objective(s) have been achieved and how the results have benefitted the technological development or enriched the existing knowledge on the subject and enclosing manuscripts, preprints and reprints of the papers arising from the scheme.

(vi) Claiming of any dues immediately. Submission of the audit utilisation certificate and audited statement of accounts for the grants paid by the CSIR and to arrange refund of unspent amount from the grant to CSIR immediately on termination of the scheme. Claim bills in any case will not be entertained 2 years after the completion of scheme.

(vii) Sending of one reprint of each research paper(s) published as a result of the work done under the CSIR grant to EMR Division as and when published.

(viii) In the event of a PI proceeding abroad on sabbatical leave for a period exceeding two months or takes up an assignment within the country involving his absence from his normal place of duty for two months at a stretch, he/she may name a co-PI to supervise the implementation of the scheme and such a name has to be approved in advance by CSIR. If the PI goes abroad for a fairly long period CSIR shall have the right to terminate the scheme or abridge the tenure, as the case may be. In any event a PI shall give prior notice to CSIR of his intention to stay away from the scheme.

Note: These terms and conditions supersede all previous instructions issued in regard to research schemes and JRF/SRF/RA. In all matters decision taken by CSIR will be final.

CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) for Junior Research
Fellowship and Lecturer-ship

A. Structure of atoms, molecules and chemical bonds.
B. Composition, structure and function of biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, nucleic acids and vitamins).
C. Stablizing interactions (Van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrogen bonding,
hydrophobic interaction, etc.).
D. Principles of biophysical chemistry (pH, buffer, reaction kinetics,
thermodynamics, colligative properties).
E. Bioenergetics, glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, coupled reaction, group
transfer, biological energy transducers.
F. Principles of catalysis, enzymes and enzyme kinetics, enzyme regulation,
mechanism of enzyme catalysis, isozymes.
G. Conformation of proteins (Ramachandran plot, secondary, tertiary and quaternary
structure; domains; motif and folds).
H. Conformation of nucleic acids (A-, B-, Z-,DNA), t-RNA, micro-RNA).
I. Stability of protein and nucleic acid structures.
J. Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, nucleotides and vitamins.
A. Membrane structure and function: Structure of model membrane, lipid bilayer
and membrane protein diffusion, osmosis, ion channels, active transport, ion pumps,
mechanism of sorting and regulation of intracellular transport, electrical properties of
B. Structural organization and function of intracellular organelles: Cell wall, nucleus,
mitochondria, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes, plastids,
vacuoles, chloroplast, structure & function of cytoskeleton and its role in motility.
C. Organization of genes and chromosomes: Operon, interrupted genes, gene families,
structure of chromatin and chromosomes, unique and repetitive DNA, heterochromatin,
euchromatin, transposons.
D. Cell division and cell cycle: Mitosis and meiosis, their regulation, steps in cell cycle, and
control of cell cycle.
E. Microbial Physiology: Growth, yield and characteristics, strategies of cell division,
stress response.
A. DNA replication, repair and recombination: Unit of replication, enzymes involved,
replication origin and replication fork, fidelity of replication, extrachromosomal
replicons, DNA damage and repair mechanisms.
B. RNA synthesis and processing: Transcription factors and machinery, formation of
initiation complex, transcription activators and repressors, RNA polymerases, capping,
elongation and termination, RNA processing, RNA editing, splicing, polyadenylation,
structure and function of different types of RNA, RNA transport.
C. Protein synthesis and processing: Ribosome, formation of initiation complex, initiation
factors and their regulation, elongation and elongation factors, termination, genetic code,
aminoacylation of tRNA, tRNA-identity, aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, translational
proof-reading, translational inhibitors, post- translational modification of proteins.
D. Control of gene expression at transcription and translation level: Regulation of
phages, viruses, prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression, role of chromatin in
regulating gene expression and gene silencing.
A. Host parasite interaction: Recognition and entry processes of different
pathogens like bacteria, viruses into animal and plant host cells, alteration of host
cell behavior by pathogens, virus-induced cell transformation, pathogen-induced
diseases in animals and plants, cell-cell fusion in both normal and abnormal cells.
B. Cell signaling: Hormones and their receptors, cell surface receptor, signaling
through G-protein coupled receptors, signal transduction pathways, second
messengers, regulation of signaling pathways, bacterial and plant two-component
signaling systems, bacterial chemotaxis and quorum sensing.
C. Cellular communication: Regulation of hematopoiesis, general principles of cell
communication, cell adhesion and roles of different adhesion molecules, gap
junctions, extracellular matrix, integrins, neurotransmission and its regulation.
D. Cancer: Genetic rearrangements in progenitor cells, oncogenes, tumor suppressor
genes, cancer and the cell cycle, virus-induced cancer, metastasis, interaction of
cancer cells with normal cells, apoptosis, therapeutic interventions of uncontrolled
cell growth.
E. Innate and adaptive immune system: Cells and molecules involved in innate
and adaptive immunity, antigens, antigenicity and immunogenicity. B and T cell
epitopes, structure and function of antibody molecules, generation of antibody
diversity, monoclonal antibodies, antibody engineering, antigen-antibody
interactions, MHC molecules, antigen processing and presentation, activation and
differentiation of B and T cells, B and T cell receptors, humoral and cellmediated
immune responses, primary and secondary immune modulation, the
complement system, Toll-like receptors, cell-mediated effector functions,
inflammation, hypersensitivity and autoimmunity, immune response during
bacterial (tuberculosis), parasitic (malaria) and viral (HIV) infections, congenital
and acquired immunodeficiencies, vaccines.
A. Basic concepts of development: Potency, commitment, specification, induction,
competence, determination and differentiation; morphogenetic gradients; cell fate
and cell lineages; stem cells; genomic equivalence and the cytoplasmic
determinants; imprinting; mutants and transgenics in analysis of development.
B. Gametogenesis, fertilization and early development: Production of gametes,
cell surface molecules in sperm-egg recognition in animals; embryo sac
development and double fertilization in plants; zygote formation, cleavage,
blastula formation, embryonic fields, gastrulation and formation of germ layers in
animals; embryogenesis, establishment of symmetry in plants; seed formation
and germination.
C. Morphogenesis and organogenesis in animals: Cell aggregation and
differentiation in Dictyostelium; axes and pattern formation in Drosophila,
amphibia and chick; organogenesis – vulva formation in Caenorhabditis elegans;
eye lens induction, limb development and regeneration in vertebrates;
differentiation of neurons, post embryonic development-larval formation,
metamorphosis; environmental regulation of normal development; sex
D. Morphogenesis and organogenesis in plants: Organization of shoot and root
apical meristem; shoot and root development; leaf development and phyllotaxy;
transition to flowering, floral meristems and floral development in Arabidopsis
and Antirrhinum.
E. Programmed cell death, aging and senescence.
A. Photosynthesis: Light harvesting complexes; mechanisms of electron transport;
photoprotective mechanisms; CO2 fixation-C3, C4 and CAM pathways.
B. Respiration and photorespiration: Citric acid cycle; plant mitochondrial
electron transport and ATP synthesis; alternate oxidase; photorespiratory
C. Nitrogen metabolism: Nitrate and ammonium assimilation; amino acid
D. Plant hormones: Biosynthesis, storage, breakdown and transport; physiological
effects and mechanisms of action.
E. Sensory photobiology: Structure, function and mechanisms of action of
phytochromes, cryptochromes and phototropins; stomatal movement;
photoperiodism and biological clocks.
F. Solute transport and photoassimilate translocation: Uptake, transport and
translocation of water, ions, solutes and macromolecules from soil, through cells,
across membranes, through xylem and phloem; transpiration; mechanisms of
loading and unloading of photoassimilates.
G. Secondary metabolites - Biosynthesis of terpenes, phenols and nitrogenous
compounds and their roles.
H. Stress physiology: Responses of plants to biotic (pathogen and insects) and
abiotic (water, temperature and salt) stresses; mechanisms of resistance to biotic
stress and tolerance to abiotic stress
A. Blood and circulation: Blood corpuscles, haemopoiesis and formed elements,
plasma function, blood volume, blood volume regulation, blood groups,
haemoglobin, immunity, haemostasis.
B. Cardiovascular System: Comparative anatomy of heart structure, myogenic
heart, specialized tissue, ECG – its principle and significance, cardiac cycle, heart
as a pump, blood pressure, neural and chemical regulation of all above.
C. Respiratory system: Comparison of respiration in different species, anatomical
considerations, transport of gases, exchange of gases, waste elimination, neural
and chemical regulation of respiration.
D. Nervous system: Neurons, action potential, gross neuroanatomy of the brain and
spinal cord, central and peripheral nervous system, neural control of muscle tone
and posture.
E. Sense organs: Vision, hearing and tactile response.
F. Excretory system: Comparative physiology of excretion, kidney, urine
formation, urine concentration, waste elimination, micturition, regulation of
water balance, blood volume, blood pressure, electrolyte balance, acid-base
G. Thermoregulation: Comfort zone, body temperature – physical, chemical, neural
regulation, acclimatization.
H. Stress and adaptation
I. Digestive system: Digestion, absorption, energy balance, BMR.
J. Endocrinology and reproduction: Endocrine glands, basic mechanism of
hormone action, hormones and diseases; reproductive processes, neuroendocrine
A. Mendelian principles: Dominance, segregation, independent assortment, deviation
from Mendelian inheritance.
B. Concept of gene: Allele, multiple alleles, pseudoallele, complementation tests.
C. Extensions of Mendelian principles: Codominance, incomplete dominance, gene
interactions, pleiotropy, genomic imprinting, penetrance and expressivity, phenocopy,
linkage and crossing over, sex linkage, sex limited and sex influenced characters.
D. Gene mapping methods: Linkage maps, tetrad analysis, mapping with molecular
markers, mapping by using somatic cell hybrids, development of mapping population
in plants.
E. Extra chromosomal inheritance: Inheritance of mitochondrial and chloroplast genes,
maternal inheritance.
F. Microbial genetics: Methods of genetic transfers – transformation, conjugation,
transduction and sex-duction, mapping genes by interrupted mating, fine structure
analysis of genes.
G. Human genetics: Pedigree analysis, lod score for linkage testing, karyotypes, genetic
H. Quantitative genetics: Polygenic inheritance, heritability and its measurements, QTL
I. Mutation: Types, causes and detection, mutant types – lethal, conditional,
biochemical, loss of function, gain of function, germinal verses somatic mutants,
insertional mutagenesis.
J. Structural and numerical alterations of chromosomes: Deletion, duplication,
inversion, translocation, ploidy and their genetic implications.
K. Recombination: Homologous and non-homologous recombination, including
transposition, site-specific recombination.
A. Principles and methods of taxonomy:Concepts of species and hierarchical taxa,
biological nomenclature, classical and quantititative methods of taxonomy of
plants, animals and microorganisms.
B. Levels of structural organization: Unicellular, colonial and multicellular
forms; levels of organization of tissues, organs and systems; comparative
C. Outline classification of plants, animals and microorganisms:Important
criteria used for classification in each taxon; classification of plants, animals and
microorganisms; evolutionary relationships among taxa.
D. Natural history of Indian subcontinent: Major habitat types of the
subcontinent, geographic origins and migrations of species; common Indian
mammals, birds; seasonality and phenology of the subcontinent.
E. Organisms of health and agricultural importance: Common parasites and
pathogens of humans, domestic animals and crops.
A. The Environment: Physical environment; biotic environment; biotic and abiotic
B. Habitat and niche: Concept of habitat and niche; niche width and overlap;
fundamental and realized niche; resource partitioning; character displacement.
C. Population ecology: Characteristics of a population; population growth curves;
population regulation; life history strategies (r and K selection); concept of
metapopulation – demes and dispersal, interdemic extinctions, age structured
D. Species interactions: Types of interactions, interspecific competition, herbivory,
carnivory, pollination, symbiosis.
E. Community ecology: Nature of communities; community structure and attributes;
levels of species diversity and its measurement; edges and ecotones.
F. Ecological succession: Types; mechanisms; changes involved in succession;
concept of climax.
G. Ecosystem: Structure and function; energy flow and mineral cycling (CNP); primary
production and decomposition; structure and function of some Indian ecosystems:
terrestrial (forest, grassland) and aquatic (fresh water, marine, eustarine).
H. Biogeography: Major terrestrial biomes; theory of island biogeography;
biogeographical zones of India.
I. Applied ecology: Environmental pollution; global environmental change;
biodiversity-status, monitoring and documentation; major drivers of biodiversity
change; biodiversity management approaches.
J. Conservation biology: Principles of conservation, major approaches to
management, Indian case studies on conservation/management strategy (Project
Tiger, Biosphere reserves).
A. Emergence of evolutionary thoughts: Lamarck; Darwin–concepts of variation,
adaptation, struggle, fitness and natural selection; Mendelism; spontaneity of
mutations; the evolutionary synthesis.
B. Origin of cells and unicellular evolution: Origin of basic biological molecules;
abiotic synthesis of organic monomers and polymers; concept of Oparin and
Haldane; experiment of Miller (1953); the first cell; evolution of prokaryotes;
origin of eukaryotic cells; evolution of unicellular eukaryotes; anaerobic
metabolism, photosynthesis and aerobic metabolism.
C. Paleontology and evolutionary history: The evolutionary time scale; eras,
periods and epoch; major events in the evolutionary time scale; origins of
unicellular and multicellular organisms; major groups of plants and animals;
stages in primate evolution including Homo.
D. Molecular Evolution: Concepts of neutral evolution, molecular divergence and
molecular clocks; molecular tools in phylogeny, classification and identification;
protein and nucleotide sequence analysis; origin of new genes and proteins; gene
duplication and divergence.
E. The Mechanisms: Population genetics – populations, gene pool, gene
frequency; Hardy-Weinberg law; concepts and rate of change in gene frequency
through natural selection, migration and random genetic drift; adaptive radiation
and modifications; isolating mechanisms; speciation; allopatricity and
sympatricity; convergent evolution; sexual selection; co-evolution.
F. Brain, Behavior and Evolution: Approaches and methods in study of
behavior; proximate and ultimate causation; altruism and evolution-group
selection, kin selection, reciprocal altruism; neural basis of learning, memory,
cognition, sleep and arousal; biological clocks; development of behavior; social
communication; social dominance; use of space and territoriality; mating
systems, parental investment and reproductive success; parental care; aggressive
behavior; habitat selection and optimality in foraging; migration, orientation and
navigation; domestication and behavioral changes.
A. Microbial fermentation and production of small and macro molecules.
B. Application of immunological principles (vaccines, diagnostics). tissue
and cell culture methods for plants and animals.
C. Transgenic animals and plants, molecular approaches to diagnosis and
strain identification.
D. Genomics and its application to health and agriculture, including gene
E. Bioresource and uses of biodiversity.
F. Breeding in plants and animals, including marker – assisted selection.
G. Bioremediation and phytoremediation.
H. Biosensors.
A. Molecular biology and recombinant DNA methods: Isolation and purification
of RNA , DNA (genomic and plasmid) and proteins, different separation
methods; analysis of RNA, DNA and proteins by one and two dimensional gel
electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing gels; molecular cloning of DNA or RNA
fragments in bacterial and eukaryotic systems; expression of recombinant
proteins using bacterial, animal and plant vectors; isolation of specific nucleic
acid sequences; generation of genomic and cDNA libraries in plasmid, phage,
cosmid, BAC and YAC vectors; in vitro mutagenesis and deletion techniques,
gene knock out in bacterial and eukaryotic organisms; protein sequencing
methods, detection of post-translation modification of proteins; DNA sequencing
methods, strategies for genome sequencing; methods for analysis of gene
expression at RNA and protein level, large scale expression analysis, such as
micro array based techniques; isolation, separation and analysis of carbohydrate
and lipid molecules; RFLP, RAPD and AFLP techniques
B. Histochemical and immunotechniques: Antibody generation, detection of
molecules using ELISA, RIA, western blot, immunoprecipitation, floweytometry
and immunofluorescence microscopy, detection of molecules in living cells,
in situ localization by techniques such as FISH and GISH.
C. Biophysical methods: Analysis of biomolecules using UV/visible, fluorescence,
circular dichroism, NMR and ESR spectroscopy, structure determination using
X-ray diffraction and NMR; analysis using light scattering, different types
of mass spectrometry and surface plasma resonance methods.
D. Statistical Methods: Measures of central tendency and dispersal; probability
distributions (Binomial, Poisson and normal); sampling distribution; difference
between parametric and non-parametric statistics; confidence interval; errors;
levels of significance; regression and correlation; t-test; analysis of variance; X2
test;; basic introduction to Muetrovariate statistics, etc.
E. Radiolabeling techniques: Properties of different types of radioisotopes
normally used in biology, their detection and measurement; incorporation of
radioisotopes in biological tissues and cells, molecular imaging of radioactive
material, safety guidelines.
F. Microscopic techniques: Visulization of cells and subcellular components by
light microscopy, resolving powers of different microscopes, microscopy of
living cells, scanning and transmission microscopes, different fixation and
staining techniques for EM, freeze-etch and freeze-fracture methods for EM,
image processing methods in microscopy.
G. Electrophysiological methods: Single neuron recording, patch-clamp recording,
ECG, Brain activity recording, lesion and stimulation of brain,
pharmacological testing, PET, MRI, fMRI, CAT .
H. Methods in field biology: Methods of estimating population density of animals
and plants, ranging patterns through direct, indirect and remote observations,
sampling methods in the study of behavior, habitat characterization-ground
and remote sensing methods.
I. Computational methods: Nucleic acid and protein sequence databases; data
mining methods for sequence analysis, web-based tools for sequence searches,
motif analysis and presentation.